Space Pigeon Studios
Since 2023 my wife Barbara and me are bringing universes to life through non-violent games. We are partners in life and partners as indie devs.
At Dexr we're trying to bring the joy back to learning by focussing on easy to build spatial content. As Chief Product Officer, I do my best to deliver the mission!
As CPO I helped Prompto grow from an experimental 3D software company to a newbuild powerhouse in Belgium. °2017-2023
Going back in time now....
30 Days Challenge
30 Days, 30 images made from scratch. °2015
A 3D world for educating 6-12 year olds. By Diekeure °2014
That's the end of the page
This is really just a slice of the last 15 years of work. Maybe I'll update some more, maybe not.
But in the meantime, if you want to work together just reach out. We'll do some great stuff together.